Thursday, September 9, 2010

Be Thankful for Your Problems

You might have one of those wrinkles between your eyebrows at the moment contemplating the prospect of why anyone should be thankful for their problems or struggles but rest assured it's not a typo and I'm not losing my mind.

I have noticed over the past year that when the news starts spouting the doomsday regarding the state of the housing market, the economy, killer viruses and other fear driven news segments, I tune out. I change the channel or walk out of the room. Yes I could sit and think about how the world seems to be falling down around my ears... I don't have as much money in the bank as I'd like (or as much as I need some months), I have credit debt, health insurance that keeps going up even though I don't remember the last time I actually used it, increasing gas bills and lets not even think about how I won't be able to buy a house in the next decade (I'm self employed).

So it's a wonder that I can even get out of bed in the morning with all of these problems and struggles just waiting for me outside my door. How do I do it? I'm thankful for my problems!

There is a wonderful quote by the Greek author and philosopher, Plato.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."

It's true you should be kind to others but read between the lines. All it takes to put my own problems and woes in perspective is to take a look at someone else's struggle. Or just think about how much worse it could be. Let me give you some examples of what I am thankful for.

My health insurance keeps going up BUT I am thankful I don't actually need it. I am healthy. I have use of all of my faculties and I don't take medication on a daily basis. Yes the deeper gouge in my wallet seems like robbery but then I remember that there are people who cannot get insurance at all. I have it if I need it but right now, I'm thankful that I don't.

I moved in with my parents. I'm 28, married and living at home. (Don't pity my husband too much - he thinks my folks are pretty cool) It's not exactly what I had planned but I am thankful that I have people who love me enough to have this option. Some people don't have loved ones who they can count on when things get rough. I have a husband and family who wouldn't blink an eye to offer me a kidney if I needed one. Thankfully I usually only need a hug.

Here's the point. I'm thankful that I only have to worry about making the bills. I could be one of those fighting the harder battle.If you spend your time wallowing in the sorrows of today, you close your eyes to the things that mean the most over a lifetime. My most precious possessions have not been affected by the economic slump in the slightest.

Try not to get caught up in the negativity. See the bright side, be optimistic and keep moving forward. That's life. That's the point. At the end of the day when you're looking back - will you notice 2010 for what it really is - a reality check.

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