Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why Should I Link to Others on My Website?

There can be quite a bit of disagreement on this subject so we will cover both sides of the issue: Should you put links to outside websites on your website?

Cons - Let's hit the bad news first
  • People will leave my page - it's true that when a visitor clicks on a link they might leave your page however nowadays most links can be made to open in a new window allowing the visitor to see the new page while still maintaining a connection with your page.
  • It gives away my search ranking - it's possible but there are algorithmic changes taking place right now that may change this and actually give you a higher ranking for having external links.
  • It could hurt my reputation - if you are not careful who you are linking to, it could be damaging to your internet reputation. Make sure any website that you connect with distributes accurate content and practices safe browsing (ie: cookies, spamming, viruses etc.) When in doubt - don't link.
  • Too many links doesn't look good to search engine spiders - we've all stumbled on those sites that promise to deliver information on something only to find that the page is full of links to other places. Search engines work hard to downplay these types of sites so if you use external links too often - you could get caught in that group. It does take an abundance of links to draw this kind of attention.
Pros - now for the good stuff
  • Establish yourself as a resource center - if people see that they can get to the places they want to go from your site (usually relevant to your industry and their interest) they will remember that you are the go-to website to visit.
  • Double Sided Linking - You can swap links with affiliates and associated vendors. Back links from other websites does help search engine ranking and so when you link to someone they should be willing to link back to you. Linking can be a two-way street!
  • It could help your reputation - yes just as linking to bad sites can hurt you, linking to good, trusted sites can help you. If you are a member of an organization, ask if they have a member badge that can link to your listing on their site or their home page. People will see that you are affiliated with that group and the organization will have gotten a back link to their site.
  • It encourages participation and cooperation - There are a lot of very smart, very dedicated, talented people on the web that can either contribute to making your efforts more successful or inhibit your growth. When you link out, especially in a consistent, opportunity-driven way, you build incentives for the bloggers, social media sophisticates, online journalists, website builders & forum participants to engage with your site. Granted, when you're small and just starting out, the incentive is small, but don't underestimate the power of rewarding your community - it's built some of the most amazing brands on (and off) the web.
Okay we admit it - we might be a little biased but it really is up to you!

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